Who We Are
The New Leader Scholarship is a community of scholars, mentors and change agents committed to provide leadership in advocating the cause of social justice.
Each year a number of students who have transcended enormous obstacles attend Bay Area public universities against heavy odds. These particular students know hardship first hand. They have had the inner strength to survive overwhelming family, financial, health or community conditions. Many are immigrants; most are persons of color. The majority are the first in their families to attend college and are excelling academically. They all volunteer for significant community service and display a strong social commitment. These are the New Leader Scholars and are an inspiration to us all. Read the speeches given at the 18th annual reception on October 27, 2017.
Community Network
Health Assistance
Graduate Prep Assistance
Career Guidance

In high school, I volunteered at Sharp Children’s Hospital in San Diego. At U.C., Berkeley, I developed a health education and art therapy program for homeless children living at a Berkeley shelter.read more